Saturday 3 May 2008


Here's a picture of Jazz in her new headcollar. I started this at a craft fair and it was nearly done by the time I got home! The sheen on the head was easy to achieve just be adding plenty of white to a base colour, but I think it works pretty well; tying in the background colour too.

Friday 2 May 2008

German Shepherd

This picture was originally part of a larger commission, which is the reason why there's little contrast between the dog and the paper. However, I think it works quite well as a subtle image.

Jack Russell

Here's one of my first pastel portraits. A lovely, characterful dog to draw, and one that allowed me to explore capturing different tectures in the medium. The course hair, moist, matt-black nose and the glassy shine to the eye create obvious contrast and illustrate the versatility of the soft pastel.